To generate an empty project run syncmaven init

Syncmaven Project is represented by a folder that contains all the necessary files to define how your data should be synced. The project folder contains the following sub-folders:

modelsDefines Model. Each model contains an SQL query and metadata
connectionsDefines Connections. Each connection tells Syncmaven on how to connect to a certain service. Connections are used in syncs, see below
syncsDefines Syncs. Each syncs define how data should be synced from a source to a destination

Each model, sync or connection is defined in a separate .yml or .yaml file (models can be defined with .sql files as well). Every file can reference environment variables using the ${env.VAR_NAME} syntax.

The project can contain .env and .env.local files. If any of these files exist, Syncmaven will load the environment variables from them (.env.local will override .env).

Environment Variables

Environment variables can be used in the project files. In fact, they must be used for sensitive information like passwords or API keys. In addition to variables passed to a process, Syncmaven will from

  • .env file in the project root
  • .env.local file in the project root
  • .env file in the current working directory
  • .env.local file in the current working directory
  • Variables from file specified by --env-file command line argument. It’s possible to specify multiple files by using the --env-file argument multiple times.

Variables from those files will be merged with last file having the highest priority.